Monday, January 5, 2009

So where does the district need to start?

If you are a parent of a classified student at MARSD, you probably already are aware of the many problems that plague parents in our district. Many parents complain of non-compliance to their child's IEP. There is a reported lack of choices for classified students. Some regular ed teachers have been said to not take any responsibility for students with special needs who are in their classes (especially if they have a personal/shared aid or in-class support).

So where does the district need to start? What do you think is the biggest problem with the district as far as special education and related services go?

Feel free to post anonymously, and I ask that you do not post any child's name. If speaking of specific district employees, it might be better to use initials (Mr. A, Mrs. D) .

Please keep it civil, and any abusive comments will be deleted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simply complying with what's already in my child's IEP would be a great first step. Just to get my child's school to comply with the supports that are already in my child's IEP is an everyday struggle.