Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gluten Free in the Classroom

The Savy Celiac blog has a great post about being gluten free in the school classroom, which includes not only dealing with lunch and snacks, but art projects such as paper mache.

The post includes this tip from SureFoodsLiving had these recommendations last August:

Here are some wheat-free alternatives to traditional paper mache:
• Make your own paper mache with this recipe from Planet Pals:
Ingredients: Glue, water, paper
Mix two parts white glue with one part warm water. Stir well and the Paste is ready to use. Now you need paper-newspaper works well! Dip each piece of paper in the liquid mixture and apply it one piece at a time to form your shapes.
Claycrete Instant Papier Mache - made from 100% pure paper pulp, you mix with water and knead it and model it.

Read the post in it's entirety here.

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